Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Alien Nation

Sitting at home on a Wednesday night halfway angry at the world halfway feeling sorry for myself in the most selfish of ways.

I peruse the Interwebs in search of some consolation; I figure I can find something to vindicate my present attitude.  Suddenly reality gives me a huge slap in the face.  I search a dark-humor site of people that post "funny" snippets of their lives but are really just venting to a world that doesn't care except in the utility of their problems' comic value.  As I am searching so I can laugh and enjoy other's misfortune I come across this:

"Dear Dad, 
Please stop coming into my room in the middle of the night.
Sincerely, Anonymous." 

Clarity returns; vision is no longer clouded by self-delusion and self-pity.  I have no idea if the above statement is some real person crying out for help among strangers caught up in their problems of their own, or if it is just some colossal asshole making light of a very serious issue.  I have no idea how stop this.  I have no idea who to inform.

My heart breaks; my blood boils.  This cannot stand! How can this be?  But in five minutes, I will go back to loving only me.

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